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02822: The focusing NLS equation wi?

In earlier work (see e [DZ1],[DIZ]) high orders of decay and smoothness are required for ?

Our main … Expand Focusing NLS equation: long-time dynamics of step-like initial data AB De Monvel, VP Kotlyarov, D Shepelsky International Mathematics Research Notices 2011 (7), 1613-1653 , 2011 Jul 27, 2019 · For step like initial data we show that the solution decomposes for long times in three main regions: - a region where solitons and breathers travel with positive velocities on a constant background c_+; - an expanding oscillatory region that can contain generically breathers; - a region of breathers travelling with negative velocities on the. The goal of this paper is to study the asymptotic behavior of the solution of this initial value problem as. For initial data in the Schwarz space S(R) and using the IST method, Zakharov and Manakov obtained long time asymptotics of the NLS equation [23] q(x;t) = t 1=2h(x=t)eix 2 4t 2ijh(x=t)j 2 logt+ O(t 3=2); with an arbitrary function h(x) DOI: 10. Boutet de Monvel et al. By the Riemann–Hilbert approach, we discuss the Cauchy problem of the reverse-space-time nonlocal combined NLS-GI model with step-like initial data: u(z, 0) = o(1) for z → −∞ and u(z, 0) = A + o(1) for z → +∞, where A is an arbitrary positive. sid toy story outfit We study the focusing energy-critical NLS (NLS) i ∂ t u + Δ x, y u = − | u | 4 d − 1 u on the waveguide manifold R x d × T y with d ≥ 2. Jan 5, 2021 · Two main peculiar aspects of our asymptotic results are (i) the dependence of the power-type decay parts of the asymptotics on the direction x / t = c o n s t (recall that in the case of the local NLS equation (as well as for other integrable equations like the (local) Korteweg-de Vries equation, the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation, etc. com; shepelsky@yahoo. [8] Boutet de Monvel A, Kotlyarov V and Shepelsky D 2010 Focusing NLS equation: long time evolution of step-like initial data Int Res to appear (doi: … The step-like boundary values were considered for the variety of integrable systems, which include the Korteweg-de Vries equation [27, 7, 21, 31], the focusing and defocusing NLS … Besides, the method have been extended to the long-time asymptotics of the Cauchy problems for nonlinear integrable systems with a variety of non-decaying initial data, … We consider the Cauchy problems associated with semi-relativistic NLS (sNLS) and half wave (HW). First, we apply the decoupling method in Bourgain and Demeter [Ann (2), 182 (2015), pp. my chart upstate For step-like initial data we show that the solution decomposes for long times into three main regions: (1) a region where solitons and breathers travel with positive velocities on a constant background $c_+$; (2) an expanding oscillatory region (that generically contains breathers); (3) a region of breathers traveling with negative velocities. The paper aims at studying the long-time asymptotics of the solution to this problem. Partial Differential Equations 25 (2000), no Different results for the NLS with integral Laplacian on the waveguide manifolds have been nowadays abundantly established, see e [54,55,53,33,31,9,10,11, 60, 59,57,42,43,44,45] DOI: 10. Long-time asymptotics for the focusing NLS equation with time-periodic boundary condition on the half-line,”. Solution bounded and almost periodic in time. The quantity above is slightly weaker than that given in (). automotivo bibi fogosa lyrics in english The step-like initial value problem of the Fokas–Lenells equation is discussed based on Whitham modulation theory. ….

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